Saturday, March 24, 2012

Story in a bag

Objective of this activity is given an example of a story in a bag, all students will be able to create a story about personal finance, consumer studies using five to eight items found in a bag.

Set: (Time: 0-5 minutes). Greet students. Ask students if recall key concepts involving personal finance and consumer awareness. Write all ideas on the board (example: budgeting, cash vs credit, saving, loans). Ask students to explain why these things are important and how they are interconnected. Allow all willing participants to share their ideas. If there are no willing participants then call on 4 or 5 people to comment.


1. Explain to students that today we are going to be creating personal finance and consumer awareness stories. Take out a bag of items and model the activity .

2. Advise students that each group will be given a bag of items with which to create a story. Explain that they can choose how to present it (role play, improve, dialogue, etc). Students will be given twenty minutes to discuss their items and prepare their stories. The following guidelines must be followed:

A) Your story, skit, dialogue, etc must take place within a personal finance or consumer awareness context. **** At the five minute mark of planning, your group must have the context of your presentation approved by the teacher.

B) Everyone must actively participate in the presentation *** Everyone must speak at least once, everyone will be at the front during the presentation, everyone will help create the presentation.

C) You must use a minimum of five props in their presentation.

D) You will have 3 minutes to present your story to the class.

Handout the evaluation forms so students can see the expectations. Go over the expectations. Call on one student to give the instructions of the assignment in their own words. Allow students to get into groups of 3 or 4. If creating groups is an issue for this class, number students 1-4, all ones together etc.

3. Provide each group with a bag of items. Groups will work in their groups. Circulate through all groups to ensure that they are on task and to clarify any instructions. Items in the bags include: credit card application, drivers license, grocery flyers, penny, vacation pictures, map of Canada, bottled water, jewelry, phone book, Starbucks coffee, newspaper classifieds

4. Call all groups back to the class. Groups will have three minutes each for presentation of their stories. Questions and comments will be held until the end of all presentations. Advise students that they each had a number written on the bottom of their bag. This is the order in which groups will present (1, 2, 3 etc)

Instructional strategy: discussions and grouping